
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Getting to know Noah

Wow.... I feel like so much has happened in the past 72 hours. I am pretty sure God does it this way because otherwise your brain might think too much. Sounds off I know... but if I think too much then I can get myself into trouble. So where are we now... Oh yes,it's Wednesday and I am updating my blog. Ooooofta, okay I am really my mothers daughter.

So, day three in the getting to know Noah. Yesterday I
went to meet up with a few of his therapist. Mainly his physical therapist and his speech therapist. Both gave him a glowing report. The speech therapist has been the only person to voice any types of concerns for his future progression. She says he is doing amazing but still thinks his language skills are too "broken". I am not sure she really understands that he has only been in the US for about 8 months.... and that 2.5 of those were in the hospital so of course his language skills are a bit broken. I actually think his English is better
than my sister Haly's was after her being in the US for 8 months and that is with a brain injury. He doesn't like to use complete sentences but can and will when prompted and he is still a bit forgetful at times. I feel like I can hear a bit of his little Ethiopian accent and can tell in some of his mannerisms. His physical therapy mainly consists of playing *hehe* which is so fun and working on his motor skills. He only has problems with his left side being weak if he gets too tired. They say eventually he will learn how to compensate and it will go away. I couldn't even tell when I was there that he had any difficulty at all.

As far as things I have observed.... he is your typical four year old boy. He likes to tease and play with basket balls... those are his favorite. He says "no" a lot but will still do whatever it is you ask him to do any way. They think it is because he may not be able to remember or think of what he wants to say fast enough. Him and Frances both have the same favorite word. I am going to have to find them a new one. Like "sure"! He loves animals, and music! He loves music. The Lord knew who his daddy would be. IHOP here he comes!!! Maybe a new drummer in the house soon. :) When I talked to his doctor today... finally she also gave him a glowing report and said he would be discharged without any special instructions aside from the eating pre-cautions because his swallow reflex is still delayed, and the need for more basic therapies.

Today, he got to meet Frances for the first time. He was
looking at her picture when we walked in and his face completely lit up. He was so excited to see her! At one point she even accidentally bumped his head and he showed no signs of anger... he said OUCH!! followed by a "that's ok". Even when she took toys away from him he let her. She wanted to be near him.... Frances loves other kids despite the fact that her sharing skills are poor at best, just ask Odessa. ;) But he was calm and patient with her. In a matter of a few minutes of them being together they were both smiling and sharing and mos
t of the fear and anxiety I have been feeling were almost instantly gone (yes folks, even when you say yes and know it's God it is still a bit nerve racking. It's a lot to chew on in three days.) It was as if the Lord was giving me my own personal ministry time and just showing me a glimpse of His sovereignty that I so often take for granted. His goodness is all around me, I have lacked for NOTHING in my lifetime.... I grew up in such an amazing family and married an amazing man of God. I have the most beautiful little girl. What more could I ask for... seriously. And yet God in his kindness still continues to blow me away with his constant goodness and desire to meet me in my weakness.

On a side note....
This past year I have really just been pressing God to increase my faith and my favorite song these days per John Thurlow.... "Help me to trust you. Lord, help my un-belief. I want to be dependent, I want to be dependent on you." I have really just been praying this since probably last November when the Awakening meeting first started. When you grow up in the American culture it's so hard to put aside the desires for your own "American Dream". Where does God fall into all of that I just kept pressing myself. Not that any of that is bad... please don't get me wrong. I love my cozy house and my nice car and my privacy fence however my dependency has to be on Jesus. I didn't want to take the goodness of God that I experience EVERY DAY for granted. I wanted him to help my un-belief that he
REALLY IS THE GOD OF MIRACLES!!! I have never doubted or questioned the goodness of God but was just pushing my heart to press in for more and asking God to really open up my heart to step out in faith.
Saying yes in the un-knowing is really hard for me. Sometimes we pray prayers and don't really think about what we are praying.
"Lord, let YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done" how many times have we all prayed that one!

The Lord has invited our family to not just pray the prayer (which by the way, is how we got to where we are right now)... but to actually give him complete control and to trust in his complete sovereignty. He is sovereign in all things. He is teaching me every day. One day at a time... because He is always good and always faithful. He who began a good work in the Arteaga family will be faithful to complete it.
The fact that Noah is even alive... much less can function completely normally and will be neurologically intact for the rest of his life is overwhelming to me!

Seeing Noah with Frances was like a literal kiss from God. He knew my biggest fear and concern and he addressed it almost instantly. Yes, of course there will be tough days... but that is to be expected. Kids are aways and adventure that is for sure... there will be ups and downs. I am very aware that this isn't just some romantic idealization. For real people, you have one kid and you think that's tough... then you have another and one kid seems like a piece of cake. But I do know that it is about taking it one day at a time and praising God for friends and family who are willing to help and be your support team.

So..... in closing THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU all so very much for your love and support. I am so blessed and truly amazed at all of the love and prayers we have received in such a short amount of time. Many people have asked how they can help and Lord knows we really will need it. Today we are just working on getting the basics as we have NOTHING for little boys. How I can be swamped with girl stuff and have nothing for boys still amazes me but we will fix that soon I hope.

Any way, thank you all again for your love and support. We will keep you updated!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so very happy for you. Shiloh and I will go shopping Sat. for your little boy! I would love to get you some art supplies for some art therapy too! I know that sometimes little kids with speech issues can really express themselves that way. Does he have tactile issues? Maybe some textured toys for therapy too. Just thinking like a psych nurse. Love you!!! Grace, grace to you friend! Kristi Cooper
