Most people are usually excited about Friday... but not us! We can't wait for Monday morning when we finally get to go get to bring Noah home! Paco texted me today and said that our house feels so empty without him. We feel so blessed to get to share our home with him!
*He was telling me something important. Francy is eating her first cheeto.... he was sharing.
Thursday we all went to visit as a family. He pushed Frances up and down the halls in her stroller. He was so excited he kept telling all the nurses it was his baby. :) Then he shared his "chips" with her and his cookies. He made sure that she got her own bag and that every time she wanted one of his, he gave her one. We played trucks in the hall ways and made way too much noise. We sang loudly and played with balloons. It was like we all fit. It was hard to leave. We made him a little calendar so that he can mark down the days until he gets to come home. He is so excited and was telling all the nurses that he gets his "own room".
I asked him what he wanted in his room and he said "well some toys, please". "What kind of toys Noah?" "CARS!!!" he yelled. He also is so excited because we said we would all go to see the Clifford exhibit at Crown Center once he gets to feeling better. He wants to see "the big dog".
Yesterday I had to work and Frances had a fever all night so daddy went to visit Noah alone. They played some more and watched a movie. When it came time for Paco to leave Noah kept asking him why he couldn't go too. Paco said "I promise you can come home soon, just not today." He gave him a hug and smiled... Noah was smiling too.
I called him to say goodnight... he said "Hi Mommy!" At this point I don't know if he understands... he mostly calls me that because the nurses do but it still is so cute....
We will start his out patient therapies on Tuesday along with our first social worker in home meeting. Paco is going to take a few personal/family days and we will just spend the time getting to know this little guy! We can't wait.
*Noah took this picture. He loved the camera.
We just wanted to say Thanks again to everyone for all your love and support! Seriously, we have been overwhelmed at the response from everyone in our community and even people we have never met! Everyone's prayers and encouragement has meant so much to us. Thank you!
At the end of the day it is all about Jesus and brining glory to His name.
We are truly blessed.
Yay!PRAISE JESUS!! So excited for you to have new little footsteps in your home!!! We will continue to pray for a healthy transition for you all.